Commentary, COVID-19 Lillian Lovich Commentary, COVID-19 Lillian Lovich

You Are Not Alone: Personality Changes During COVID

During COVID our collective personalities changed in unique ways. The changes differed from the first year of COVID (2020) to years two and three (2021-2022). And the changes were very different from those that had been observed after local or regional natural disasters. Personality changes are different from changes in mood. During the pandemic, depression, anxiety, and stress resilience definitely changed – the first two increased, the last one decreased.

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Commentary, Reversing Chronic Illness Lillian Lovich Commentary, Reversing Chronic Illness Lillian Lovich

Distracted or Anxious: Can ADHD Be Tamed?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has become the diagnosis du jour for adults and college aged students. Medications like Adderall can markedly improve the lives of those with the disorder. However, the tunnel-like focus the medicines provide has led growing numbers of teenagers and young adults to seek the diagnosis to obtain steady prescriptions for highly addictive medications that carry serious psychological dangers.

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Commentary, Nutrition Lillian Lovich Commentary, Nutrition Lillian Lovich

Calorie Poisoning: A New Frontier in Nutrition Intervention

Conversations about healthy nutrition often end with the observation that eating healthy is expensive. This tends to be true and is in itself a disturbing observation on the nature of our food industry and agribusiness. However, the sentiment is better framed, “Would it be too costly if I were to eat healthy food but less of it in general?” The question is not just the cost of food. The question is also how much food do we need to optimize our health.

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Commentary, Healthy Aging Lillian Lovich Commentary, Healthy Aging Lillian Lovich

Bone Health

As you grow older, benchmarking your bone health becomes increasingly important. Your bones reach maximum density in your twenties and then begin to slowly decline. This decline markedly increases once menopause or andropause occur, during times of increased stress or infection, during times of significant nutritional challenge, and during times of deconditioning or lack of exercise.

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Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Lillian Lovich Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Lillian Lovich

Acupuncture and Hypnotherapy – For Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation and Behavior Change

The challenge many of us have chosen for the year ahead is to implement healthier behaviors. Perhaps you chose to exercise more or reduce sweets, or stop alcohol or smoking, or to journal more regularly, or reduce the number of hours you watch television. Clearly the list of behaviors designed to improve health can be long. Sometimes we find that the behaviors we seek to implement are beyond our control because we may have a slight or significant addiction to the offending objects or behaviors such as television, sweets, alcohol, tobacco, distraction.

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Commentary, About Functional Medicine Lillian Lovich Commentary, About Functional Medicine Lillian Lovich

The Precision Of Functional Medicine Can Improve Memory Decline

This exciting study presents data that a Functional Medicine approach to memory decline can help improve that memory loss. The approach is highly individual. In general an evaluation for memory decline needs to include genetic factors, gut functional, toxin load and detoxification process, inflammation, bacteria/fungus/virus burden, metabolic and hormonal balance, stress, brain capacity, exercise, sleep, diet, deficiencies, among others.

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Dementia: Make A Difference Early

Over time many studies have tried to ascertain the drivers of later Alzheimer’s Disease. Usually they have found that cigarette smoking or low educational level have been primary predictors of later Alzheimer’s Disease. This study sheds new light on how we might support our brain health earlier in life.

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Commentary Lillian Lovich Commentary Lillian Lovich

Specialized Exercise Prescriptions for Mood and Memory

We have long known that specific exercise regimens can shift our physiology in particular ways – tai chi helps balance, high intensity training reduces weight and improves cardiovascular health, strength training increases testosterone and the strength of the muscles worked. This fascinating study demonstrates the correlation between different types of exercise and specific moods and memory skills.

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Commentary, COVID-19 Lillian Lovich Commentary, COVID-19 Lillian Lovich

COVID Shedding Over Time

Moving forward, we can expect COVID to affect us in waves as it continues to mutate. A significant question is how long COVID may lve within us, even if we aren’t able to infect others. This idea of long -term COVID infections could be related to the presence of Long COVID in some.

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Epstein-Barre Virus (EBV) Stalks Us

In the case of EBV, the data is growing that indicates EBV can cause Multiple Sclerosis which is a disease that breaks down the insulation around nerves and causes the nerves to lose functionality. It is a challenge to conclude that EBV can cause any particular disease because EBV infects almost 90% of the population, usually when we are young.

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Commentary, Nutrition Lillian Lovich Commentary, Nutrition Lillian Lovich

Ultra-Processed Living

Reducing ultraprocessed foods while increasing minimally processed foods can reduce your dementia risk. Minimally processed foods are those that were/are alive, grown nearby, and look and taste like they would have when they were picked or culled.

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