The Precision Of Functional Medicine Can Improve Memory Decline

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This exciting study presents data that a Functional Medicine approach to memory decline can help improve that memory loss. The approach is highly individual. In general an evaluation for memory decline needs to include genetic factors, gut functional, toxin load and detoxification process, inflammation, bacteria/fungus/virus burden, metabolic and hormonal balance, stress, brain capacity, exercise, sleep, diet, deficiencies, among others.

The history of the individual directs the most appropriate set of precision testing. Interventions are designed to address discovered inefficiencies, excesses, or  imbalances. Interestingly the nutritional intervention includes reaching and maintaining ketosis with healthy fat and high levels of non-starchy vegetables.

If memory is decreasing, if you are having remembering names of the usual people in your life, if you are losing common items in unusual places, if you miss important appointments; these are signals that precision medicine may be useful for you. Precision Functional Medicine is best implemented early in the memory loss process. In the meantime, start with your diet and optimize your gut function.

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