Spring Cleaning: Cleanse Your Relationships

by Henri Roca, MD, Clinical Functional Medicine Specialist

There's a saying that goes, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with". The people we surround ourselves with significantly influence not just our moods, but our perspectives and overall well-being. Thus, it becomes crucial to take an inventory of our relationships, starting from our family to our friends and acquaintances.

The Foundation of Family

Family is where our foundations are laid. Each family member brings something unique to the table. Take a moment and think about your family. Who are the ones that light up your face with a smile just by the thought of them? And who doesn't?

It might be helpful to jot down the characteristics of each person. This exercise not just aids in understanding them better but also helps identify the qualities you may need to work on. If you find certain members not resonating with your joy, passion and humanness, it might be beneficial to limit the time spent with them.


Similarly, take time to evaluate your close friends. Remember, friends are the family we choose. They should be the ones who bring spontaneous joy to you. If there are such individuals among your acquaintances, reach out. Invite them to spend more time with you, as their positive energy can foster your own happiness and growth.

It's important to remember that we are influenced by individuals that are three degrees separated from us through friends. Our network extends beyond our immediate circle, and these connections can impact us profoundly.

Creating Community

In absence of a supportive community, don’t hesitate to create your own. Be thoughtful in choosing who you want to surround yourself with and be consistent in nurturing these relationships.

If you're yearning for unconditional love and loyalty, consider getting a pet. Dogs, in particular, can boost your oxytocin levels, the hormone responsible for love, connection, and trust. Even the purring of cats can soothe our hyperstimulated stress response.

Toxic Relationships

Lastly, if you find yourself in a toxic relationship that you're not ready to sever, please seek counseling. Professional guidance can provide you with the tools to navigate these complex situations.

Always remember to pause and reflect before speaking. Check to see if you are present in the moment, to avoid saying something you might regret later.

Remember, we have control over our environment and the people we allow into it. By carefully curating our relationships, we can foster joy, passion, and humanness in our lives.

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Spring Cleaning: Cleanse Your Routine


Spring Cleaning: Cleanse Your Mind