Commentary, Wellness Dr. Henri Roca Commentary, Wellness Dr. Henri Roca

Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies can surely put a damper on energy and vitality. Allergies are a series of symptoms caused by irritation from outside triggers. These symptoms may range from simple eye irritation to skin problems, intestinal issues, sinus congestion and infection, respiratory issues, and even asthma. The effects of allergies can reach every part of a person’s “being.”

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Commentary, Wellness, Healthy Aging Dr. Henri Roca Commentary, Wellness, Healthy Aging Dr. Henri Roca

Want a Healthy Brain? Learn How…

I’m often asked what can be done to improve the likelihood that your brain will remain healthy throughout life. After all, health without awareness is pointless to most of us. Of course we know to optimize our diet, to stop smoking, control our weight, stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking marijuana, and exercise. But you may be surprised to know that there is something that trumps all of these.

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Commentary, Wellness Dr. Henri Roca Commentary, Wellness Dr. Henri Roca

Health-Time: The Fourth Dimensional Nature of Healing

You might think of the three dimensional framework of health as those things related to space – where we find ourselves, how we move within that space, and the choices we make within that space. These aspects incorporate our social settings and relationships; our access to health food, water, and availability for exercise; exposure to nature or toxins; our rest and recharge; and our professional lives. These actions occur in this instant, in this moment, in the present. Yet healing is an action that occurs over time. Time is a key and missed component necessary to optimize health.

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Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca

When More Isn’t Better & A Little Is Just Enough

Health isn’t found in a bottle – not a bottle of medications, not a bottle of botanicals, supplements, minerals, or vitamins. Very often, bottled natural products are difficult to digest. The pills are compressed and the components are synthetic. They often do not contain enough of any component for those with significant issues, and may be too much for those who are already nutritionally well-balanced.

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Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca

The Microbiome Of Love

Love and your microbiome. Just another reason to wonder who is really running our show: our minds, our hearts/emotions, or our gut and its treasure trove of bacteria? Does a more diverse microbiome help you or your bacteria identify and mate with your best prospective spouse? It is a gut level question.

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Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca

The Discerning Consumer’s Guide to Purchasing Supplements

Buying supplements can be a daunting task for the average consumer. Yet, it is not difficult to buy good quality, effective supplements if you are well informed.

Supplements should never be used as a replacement for the basic tenets of health. No pill, tablet, capsule or liquid, natural or pharmaceutical, can replace a healthy lifestyle combining proper nutrition, exercise and stress management.

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Is Acupuncture Right For You?

Join Dr. Henri Roca of OneMedicine Wellness Services & Argenta Counseling as he discusses the ins and outs of Auricular Acupuncture for Pain (aka Battlefield Acupuncture) and Auricular Acupuncture for Anxiety/Stress (aka Stress Acupuncture). These services are provided in a group setting at Argenta Counseling & Wellness. To find out more information OR schedule an appointment, please call 501.777.5969!

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Take Control of Your Personal Health

Our nation’s healthcare system is in crisis because it costs an exorbitant amount to keep a person with a chronic disease alive and healthy. The number of people with chronic diseases has increased because our lifestyle choices can push our bodies out of balance. So it comes down to this: How might we choose to live healthier lives?

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Commentary, COVID-19 Lillian Lovich Commentary, COVID-19 Lillian Lovich

Mood Challenges Increase Likelihood Of Post-COVID Symptoms

Stress, depression, and anxiety have been shown to increase susceptibility to viral syndromes. Now we can add loneliness and isolation to that list.

This study surveyed the participants who had not been diagnosed with COVID at an initial time and at one year. Of those people who reported having contracted COVID within that year, the researchers found that individuals who had reported increased stress, isolation, loneliness, anxiety, or depression had a greater likelihood of having COVID symptoms after the infection lasting at least one month.

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