Thyroid Dysfunction – Pervasive or Rare?

by Henri Roca, MD, Clinical Functional Medicine Specialist

Thyroid disorders are prevalent, especially in women, affecting roughly 10 million individuals who have been diagnosed with low thyroid functionality. Countless others likely suffer from undiagnosed issues or sub-optimal thyroid operation. However, detecting low thyroid function is not sufficient. We must ask, "Why is this happening, and why now?"

One concealed cause of thyroid malfunction is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, a disease that standard thyroid (TSH) tests often miss. This condition can result in both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. If left undetected and untreated, the thyroid's efficiency gradually declines.

Hashimoto's Disease is an autoimmune disorder where the body turns on itself, attacking thyroglobulin (a protein that binds and transports thyroid hormone) and thyroid peroxidase (an enzyme that aids in thyroid hormone production). Comprehensive thyroid function tests must include checks for antibodies to these molecules, TSH, free T3, free T4, and reverse T3.

When diagnosing Hashimoto's, I continually question whether there are other co-existing autoimmune processes in the individual. Factors contributing to Hashimoto's might include an overactive immune system, food sensitivities, selenium deficiency, iodine excess, poor antioxidation, low reproductive hormones, and a heightened stress response leading to adrenal gland underactivity. Even environmental exposure to heavy metals, certain solvents and jet fuel (surprisingly found in public water supplies and even newborns' umbilical blood) can trigger or exacerbate thyroiditis.

Take control of your health. Understand your baseline levels and take proactive steps to improve your health. If you have Hashimoto's, you might need supplements, dietary changes such as eliminating gluten or soy, toxin avoidance and removal, and balancing other hormone levels.

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