Common Sleep Issues: Racing Thoughts

by Henri Roca, MD, Clinical Functional Medicine Specialist

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our well-being, yet for many, it remains an elusive goal. Various factors such as fatigue, poor diet, lack of exercise, and anxiety can exacerbate common sleep disturbances.

Often, these issues intensify once the distractions of the day fade, leaving us alone with our thoughts and worries. Here are some effective strategies that may help you find the restful sleep you've been missing.

Thought-Stopping Techniques

One effective method to combat racing thoughts is 'Thought-stopping'. When you find your mind overrun by persistent thoughts, deliberately say "stop" to interrupt the rumination and clear your mind.

This technique can be a simple yet powerful tool to control your mental narrative and prepare for sleep.

Nutritional Support

Consider incorporating supplements that promote relaxation and sleep. Magnesium glycinate is known for its calming effects on the brain and can help ease into sleep.

L-Theanine, an amino acid found in tea, promotes relaxation without drowsiness. GABA, a neurotransmitter, plays a direct role in reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system and helps promote calmness.

Yoga Nidra for Sleep & Insomnia

Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a form of meditation that induces a state of deep, but conscious relaxation.

Practicing Yoga Nidra can be particularly effective for those suffering from insomnia as it helps calm the nervous system and facilitate a state conducive to restful sleep.

Pause-Notice-Choose Technique

This simple mindfulness exercise involves taking a moment to pause, actively notice what is happening, and then making a conscious choice about how to respond.

This can be particularly useful when you feel overwhelmed at night, helping redirect your focus from anxious thoughts to the present moment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi)

CBTi is a structured program that helps you identify and replace thoughts and behaviors that cause or worsen sleep problems with habits that promote sound sleep.

Unlike sleeping pills, CBTi helps you overcome the underlying causes of your sleep problems.

Guided Imagery & Receptive Prayer

Both guided imagery and receptive prayer involve focusing the mind on positive, calming images or thoughts.

This focus can shift your attention away from the stress or anxiety that may be keeping you awake.

Meditation & Deep Abdominal Breathing

These relaxation techniques can significantly reduce stress and improve sleep.

Deep abdominal breathing encourages full oxygen exchange and can help slow down the heartbeat and stabilize blood pressure, creating conditions ideal for sleep.

Weighted Blankets

Using a weighted blanket can provide a sense of security, reduce anxiety, and contribute to deeper sleep.

The gentle pressure they provide mimics a therapeutic technique known as deep pressure stimulation which promotes the release of serotonin and melatonin, decreasing cortisol levels.

Externalizing Your Thoughts

Before bedtime, try writing down your worries or making a to-do list and keeping it outside of the bedroom. This acts as a brain dump to clear your mind and reassure you that you can tackle these tasks tomorrow, not during your rest time.

Incorporating one or more of these strategies into your nightly routine can make a significant difference in your sleep quality. Experiment with these suggestions to find what best suits your individual needs and helps you achieve the restful night's sleep you deserve.

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