Anxiety Disorders: Characteristics & Symptoms

by Henri Roca, MD, Clinical Functional Medicine Specialist

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting millions of people worldwide. They encompass a range of disorders characterized by excessive fear, worry, and related behavioral disturbances.

This blog will explore the characteristics of various anxiety disorders and their physical symptoms.

Characteristics of Anxiety Disorders

Separation Anxiety Disorder

  • Definition: Intense fear or anxiety about being separated from attachment figures, typically seen in children but can also affect adults.

  • Characteristics: Persistent worry about losing attachment figures, refusal to go out due to fear of separation, nightmares about separation, physical complaints (e.g., headaches, stomachaches) when separation occurs or is anticipated.

Selective Mutism

  • Definition: Consistent failure to speak in specific social situations despite speaking in other situations.

  • Characteristics: Inability to speak in school or with peers, but normal speech in comfortable settings like home. This condition can interfere with educational and social communication.

Specific Phobia

  • Definition: Intense, irrational fear of specific objects or situations.

  • Characteristics: Immediate anxiety response upon exposure to the phobic stimulus, avoidance behavior, and significant distress that impairs daily functioning. Common phobias include fear of heights, animals, or flying.

Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Definition: Significant fear of social situations where one might be scrutinized by others.

  • Characteristics: Intense fear of being judged, embarrassed, or humiliated, avoidance of social interactions, physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, or trembling in social settings.

Panic Disorder

  • Definition: Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks followed by concern about additional attacks or their consequences.

  • Characteristics: Sudden onset of intense fear or discomfort, symptoms like heart palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, and feelings of unreality or detachment.


  • Definition: Fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or help unavailable in case of panic-like symptoms.

  • Characteristics: Avoidance of situations like being outside the home alone, being in a crowd, or using public transportation. This can severely limit a person's ability to function normally.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

  • Definition: Excessive, uncontrollable worry about various aspects of life, occurring more days than not for at least six months.

  • Characteristics: Persistent worry about a range of topics, difficulty controlling the worry, restlessness, fatigue, concentration problems, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances.

Substance/Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  • Definition: Anxiety symptoms that are directly attributable to substance intoxication or withdrawal, or exposure to a medication.

  • Characteristics: Symptoms of anxiety that are prominent during periods of substance use, withdrawal, or exposure to a medication known to cause anxiety.

Anxiety Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition

  • Definition: Prominent anxiety symptoms that are a direct physiological consequence of another medical condition.

  • Characteristics: The anxiety is attributable to conditions such as hyperthyroidism, cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory disorders, or other medical issues.

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders often manifest with physical symptoms that can significantly impact daily life. Common physical symptoms include:

  • Palpitations: Feeling like your heart is racing, pounding, or fluttering.

  • Sweating: Excessive sweating even in the absence of physical exertion or high temperatures.

  • Trembling or Shaking: Uncontrollable shaking or trembling of the hands, legs, or body.

  • Shortness of Breath and Sensations of Smothering or Choking: Difficulty breathing or feeling like you can't catch your breath.

  • Feelings of Impending Doom: An overwhelming sense that something terrible is about to happen.

  • Feelings of Being Out of Control: Feeling detached from reality or like you're losing control over your thoughts and actions.

Understanding the characteristics and symptoms of anxiety disorders is crucial for recognizing when you or someone else may need professional help.

If you or a loved one is experiencing these symptoms, consider reaching out to a mental health professional for support and guidance.

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Understanding the Risk Factors for Anxiety: What You Need to Know


Anxiety Disorders: Insights from the DSM-5